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Guangxi Sciences
2003 Issue 1
Design of Shrimp Farm for Intensive Alternate Shrimp Farming in Supratidal Zone of Guangxi
wu shi hai ; wang zhi cheng ; mai qi sui ; zhou hao lang ; zhu xiao bin ; liang zhi hui ; lai chen min le ; mo yong jie ; wang xin ting
Characteristic Indices of Abnormal Frostbite Weather Process of Guangxi
wu xing guo ; gao an ning ; chen ye guo
Species Diversity in the Process of Succession of Karst Vegetation in Southwest Guangxi
qu zhi ; li xian zuo ; lv shi hong ; xiang wu sheng ; su zong ming ; lu shu hua
Function Analysis of Marek's Disease Virus meq Gene
wei ping ; cui zhi zhong ;l.f.lee
The Substance Aggregating Platelets Derived from Advanced Malignant Tumor of Head and Neck
huang guang wu ; zeng gang ; yu qi song ; sha chuan chang fan ; zuo guo qian ; nong hui tu ; xiao shan zhong cheng
Deposition Rate of Ni-Mo-P Alloy in Chemical Plating
xiao shun hua
Preparation and Structural Elucidation of 3β- acetoxy-19-hydroxy Cholest-5-en -24-one
cui jian guo ; he xiao yu ; huang yan min ; zeng long mei
Valence Electronic Structures of Al-Mg Alloy with Minor Sc and Zr and Its Effect on Grain Refinement
gao ying jun ; zhong xia ping ; liu hui ; wu wei ming
Neuron Controller for Brushless DC Motor Based on Analog Circuit
luo wen guang
Inter-lane Coupling Effect of a Two-lane Cellular Automaton Model
yang qing yong ; tan hui li ; kong ling jiang ; liu mu ren
Eigenvalues of t-Tournament Matrices
zhang de long ; tan shang wang
A Qualitative Mapping Model for Fuzzy Set
feng jia li ; zhou ru qi