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Guangxi Sciences
2003 Issue 2
Relationship between Air Temperature and Precipitation in Yantai
liu xian zhao
Citation Analysis of Journal of Guangxi Sciences
deng da yu
xin xi
Creep Characteristic Constants of Woods of Pinus masoniana and Eucalyptus urophylla × camaldulensis
diao hai lin ; liang bing zuo ; xu feng ; lan cai wu ; dai jun ; wu su ping
Biological Characters of Nakataea sigmoidea Hara
wu hai yan ; xin hui pu
Progress of Research on Mussel Defensins
chen zuo wen ; wei yu xi ; guo dao sen
A Review on Biosafety
qian ying zuo ; wei wei
Characteristics and Distribution of Heat-released Mercury in Tin Polymetallic Deposit in Changpo of Dachang
wang gui qin ; luo xian rong ; yu yang xian ; wei ke li
Fractal Features of Fractures and Their Relation to Silver-Gold Mineralization in Southeast Guangxi
han xi bin ; liang jin cheng ; feng zuo hai ; zhang gui lin ; chen zuo hong
Researches on Fullerene in China
xiao zuo
Purification and Dehydration Processes of Bentonite
jiang yue xiu ; huang da xin ; li zhong min ; tong zhang fa
Determination of Pb2+ and Cd2+ in Sludge Samples by Potential Stripping Analysis
song gui jin ; wei xiao ping
Synthesis of Sodium Diacetate and Inhibitory Action on Moulds
ge ming lan ; shen qi ying ; ming jun
Problems Caused by Collinearity and Solution in the Multivariate Second-degree Polynomial Models
liao sen ; wang jian she ; chen chao qiu
Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes Over AWGN Channels
zuo tuan fa ; huang xu fang ; chen yue bo
Improvement of Hierachical Algorithm for Large Scale System Dynamic Programming
dong yong quan ; wang zhong zhi ; xu fu xia
A Continuum and Nonlinear Programming Model of Transport Problem
he deng xu ; cao dun zuo ; mo yong xiang ; song xue qiang
Semi-Normal, C-Normal and Supersolvability of Finite Groups
zeng fan hui ; li shi rong