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Guangxi Sciences
2007 Issue 1
jian xun
Screening and Identification of Strains for Producing Microbial Flocculants
HU Yu-ping;HU Bo;XIA Lu
Sexual Propagation of Melocanna baccifera
HUANG Da-yong
Mechanical Alloying for Fe-P System
LI Jian-ying;OUYANG Yi-fang;CAO Qi-zhi;ZHONG Xia-ping
Influence of Substitute Elements on ZrMn2 Alloy and Electronic Structures of Its Hydrides
MA Shu-yuan;JIAN Xiao-ling;LIANG Chu;WEI Wen-lou;GUO Jin
Global Convergence for a Class of Conjugate Gradient Method with Wolfe Search
DONG Xiao-liang;LI Chen-liang;TANG Qing-gan
A New Algorithm for Improving Consistency of the Judgement Matrices
GUO Xin-rong;Lü Yue-jin;WANG Zhi-qiang
The Number of Non-essential Edges in Minimally 3-Connected Graphs
PAN Yu-mei;MO Ming-zhong
On the C-supplement Subgroups
Semi-Normal,C-Normal and Super Solvability of Finite Groups
TANG Zeng-lin;LI Shi-rong;ZENG Fan-hui