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Study of Ethnics in Guangxi

ISSN 1004-454X 
Organizer: guang xi zhuang zu zi zhi qu min zu yan jiu suo  
Publisher: guang xi min zu yan jiu bian ji bu  
Description: Publication is the core journals of Ethnology. Ethnic Affairs Commission of the competent autonomous region, Guangxi sponsored by the Institute. Editor ETHNICS. Since 1985, quarterly. The main columns are: the nationality theory, history and culture of ethnic, national law, national archaeological, ethnic language studies, ethnology, anthropology, ethnic economic studies. Journal of Guangxi, was rated as excellent, and was recognized as "China's Social Science Citation Index source journals", "Chinese Social Science Citation Database source journals", "Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database source journals", "China Academic Journals (CD) contains full-text journals. " (Translated by machine.)