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"Robots" is the Chinese Association of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang Institute of Automation, jointly organized by the national academic journals, bi-monthly, A4 format, 96 pages, ISSN: ISSN1002-0446; CN21-1137/TP, Youfadaihao 8-59 , 15, published monthly, price 10. Journal founded in 1979, was originally called "foreign Automation," public offering in 1979 as domestic and foreign journals, in 1986 changed its name to "robot." "Robot" Sheyou Papers and reports, integrated theory and introduction, research communications, essays and other columns, the main coverage of China in the field of robotics and related research in the academic progress and achievement, the robot first, second and tertiary industries in the examples of application, issued robot control, organization science, sensor technology, machine intelligence and pattern recognition, machine vision and other aspects of the paper. Indexed: Chinese Natural Science Core Science Abstracts Journal of the Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database of Chinese Academic Journal Chinese Chinese Science Citation Database database INSPEC database EI PageOne (Translated by machine.) |